Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Rob and Wilson--Together Again!

For those who know me more personally than others, you know of my continuing saga of the "Sick Cat". Wilson has been sick, and lost a lot of weight, down to 7 pounds, over the last few months. At the same time, his favorite person, Rob, went off to college, not making matters any better for Wilson! Here they are, together during the break between quarters, when Rob was home for three weeks. They BOTH look pretty content, if you ask me!

We changed vets, and Wilson is diagnosed with Irritable Bowel. Yeah, it sounds weird, cats get it too! But with proper food, and meds to get him back on the mend, he has just about gained all the weight back that he lost this past autumn. He's playing again, and generally his old self!

YOU did it! 170 CAPS!

From the day after Thanksgiving, to the day before Christmas, you answered the call for knitted caps -- 170 in all. What a great response! What great people you are! I sent the box, the day after Christmas, to arrive by this year's due date of January 2nd. Many of you have asked if we will be doing this again, and YES! We will!

Here's an excerp from the letter sent with your Caps to the Capital:

"In recognition of the 2 million babies who die each year, in the first month of life in developing countries, we made these caps - 170 - in all. We are sending them to you today to demonstrate the need for our country to do more to help newborns survive. These 170 caps join the other 50,000 caps already donated to Save the Children!

"Children Are Our Future. Children deserve to have basic needs met -- medicine, clean environment, water, food and warmth to survive. Please add this important item to you adenda when you meet with Congress in January, 2007.

"Sincerely yours,

Knitters and Crocheters of Bellingham

Debbie, Yvonne, Phyllis, Nancy, Mary, Oksana, Amy, Gina, Gabette, Beth, Linda, Donna, Cassie, Troy, Jody, Rebecca, Judith, Kaera, Cheryl Ann, Margaret, Casandra, Ruth, Elga, M.A., Anita, Janice, Jeannie, Patricia, Anne, Anneka, Naomi, Barbara, Robin, Michelle, Valerie, Rose, Denise, Kathy, Cheri, Denise 2, Yua, Carol, Susie, Rose, Donna, Cheryl, Tina Sido, Sheryl, Anonymous Angel